Pieter Spronck studied Computer Science at the Delft University of Technology and graduated cum laude in 1996. He worked as a software engineer, knowledge engineer and project leader for Dutch industries, until he went to academia in 2001.
As an employee of the Computer Science Department of Maastricht University, The Netherlands, he received his Ph.D. in 2005, for a thesis titled “Adaptive Game AI”. He taught courses on Logic, Object-Oriented Modelling, and Computer Game AI. He also guided dozens of bachelor and master students with their theses, most of them in applications of machine learning techniques to games.
In 2008 he joined the Tilburg centre for Creative Computing of Tilburg University, The Netherlands, as an associate professor. He is also part-time affiliated to the Dutch Open University.
His research interests include evolutionary systems, adaptive control, computer game AI, multi-agent systems and knowledge technology. Currently his research focus is on the investigation of machine learning for commercial game AI.
Pieter Spronck's homepage can be found at http://ticc.uvt.nl/~pspronck.